да.вопрос второй)у меня везде выскакивает w27C512 -45z !подойдет она?
Какой программатор у тебя?всем привет!купил я вот такой чип!залил туда последнюю прошивку каторую выше скидывал KDA !все залилось но мошина не заводится и при зажигании даже не включается насос!што может быть нитак?вышебыло написано што штото нужно продублировать в старшие адреса !если это из за этого то как што где делать совсем непойму!
там надо продублировать прошивку. Адреса сейчас не могу вспомнить. Где то были записи.MiniPro TL866CS
I feel there is a way to display it in tunerpro but the data transmission needs to simplified. me and a few friends achieved this with motronic 2.3.2. there are no checksums or tunerpro having to send data back in that logging. all we simply did was send start bits to identify the beginning of data transmission and than each RAM variable is simply sent in a certain order. once the output got to the last RAM variable it would send the start bits again to indicate it was starting over at the first RAM variable again. this sequence started as soon as the ECU powered on. very simple, effective and most of all very fast. that transmission speed is comparable to what KWP2000 outputs at.@vwnut8392 there is no way to output data to tunerpro directly, because it could work with can bus only; and the eeprom and program from this thread is actually the custom implementation of transmission protocol. The chip sends about 8 main variables throw the RX/TX pins and the program receives them
Btw there is hack I've discovered. Instead of directly data transmission you could use Moates Ostrich eeprom emulator, connected to the ECU instead of chip. The emulator represents the flash memory and could be rewritten in real-time.
The Ostrich have data logging function so it monitors the data access and you will be able to view the table's items that are in use at the moment